Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rising wings

Sometimes I think we live in a society that has completely lost the idea of hybris.
I don't mean a guilt sense, I mean that sense of being relative to something transcendental that characterised the ancient Greek world.
From the Economist I quote:
ICARUS had the right idea about climbing above the clouds where the sun can work its wonders. Unfortunately, solar energy and aeronautical engineering were not two of his stronger points. Today, we know enough about both technologies to make a better job of it.

For somebody technology is a means to immortality...
However, God works wonders amongst human presumption.
Same article:
Meanwhile, the price of photovoltaic solar cells is set to plummet from $3.80 per watt today to $1.40 by 2010, as the industry quintuples capacity (mostly in China) and embraces cheaper and more efficient designs based on cadmium telluride instead of polycrystalline silicon. At those prices, solar power could finally achieve “grid parity” with fossil-fuel electricity, costing 10-15 cents per kilowatt-hour.

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fiat Lux

And so the Vatican will turn into
"Europe's most energy-efficient state"

According to Mauro Villarini, an engineer who works fro the Vatican State's technical services, the work to cover 2000 of the 5000 square metres of the Paul VI Hall should begin in October and the solar plant might begin to function this year.

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Friday, August 01, 2008

The day the world changed.

The best article I have read on the subject is on Scientific American.

Electrolysis of water has become inexpensive.
