Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Last May I visited Dublin. I was quite impressed by the book of Kells. Thinking again about my recent readings on programming techniques, and on the fact that metaknowledge should be coded in text files, I had a look around trying to find a way of making the reading of those files easier. I found Jave (I think the choice of the name is intentional). It's a nice program at first look. It's certainly better than using the keyboard.
PS. Be careful when you look for documentation on ascii-art...

Friday, November 25, 2005

It exists and it has even a name...

Algorithmic Botany. Very interesting link from the university of Calgary. I find the discipline fascinating.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Does God play dice?

Remarkable historical introduction to Quantum mechanics. Enjoyable.

Pragmatic Programmer

This book should be considered a synchronisation point.
The title is deceptive: it is not about practical advices, although it does contain some good one; it is instead about principles.
It is reach in similes as well, which render the reading pleasant and memorising it easier.
Two important concepts from should be outlined: so far I had thought to programming as building Cathedrals. Great projects which take time and committment to be completed. Well, I had to change my perspective: Programming is like gardening. It is an organic process, which requires continous attention and sometime big changes, but, at its proper time, it becomes fruitful.
The second concept, essential, is the underlying idea that you never stop progressing: your mind should be focused to improve yourself applying whatever you continue learning in new ways, carefully thinking about the environment in which you work.
I like it.