Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ora et Labora...

Thank to Villaggio virtuale, I found this interesting news.
Monastic is a european consortium of nuns and friars who have decided to sell over the Internet what they produce.
227 monasteries contribute to provide a broad range of goods: clothings, wine, books, musical instruments, tools for gardening, ...
The site is in French.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

There is a standard.

OSIS, that is Open Scripture Information Standard, is an XML schema for marking up scripture and related text. It looks quite a professional work, however I doubt it was updated recently. It is suppoted by the American Bible Society, but I am not sure whether it is an adopted standard at the moment.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Atom feed.

It seems to me that there are more people than I was thinking who read my blogs. I'm happy for that and I add a link to my atom feed, just in case...